Please Donate to Help Restore Vision in Saul’s Beautiful Blue Eyes.
Saul is a foster dog that has been in our care for over two years. Due to his medical and necessary behavioral training needs during this time, DVSHR has spent significant funds to help him live a better life. But, now, he is facing expensive cataract surgery to restore his deteriorating vision. DVSHR is asking you, our dedicated friends & supporters, to help us if you are able. Here’s his story …

Saul has faced several major challenges in his young life. The poor boy was dumped in a kill shelter when his family moved and didn’t care enough to take him with them. Luckily for Saul, the shelter staff diligently networks with rescues and his life was spared when he was placed with DVSHR.
Saul went to a loving, experienced foster home, and DVSHR sought veterinary care to treat his kennel cough. While captivated by Saul’s lovely blue eyes, the primary care vet noticed he had cataracts. DVSHR had Saul examined by a veterinary ophthalmologist who diagnosed juvenile cataracts, which is common among Siberian Huskies. The ophthalmologist felt Saul could be maintained on eye drops, ointment and careful monitoring with frequent exams. At first Saul was not thrilled about this care plan but with patience and lots of treats he learned to be accepting of the treatments.
As Saul was adjusting to his new surroundings his foster family noticed behavior issues.
Saul was anxious and had trouble relaxing. He also seemed to be protective of his foster parents. Saul’s behavior was concerning, so DVSHR enlisted the help of a veterinary behaviorist. Saul was diagnosed with anxiety and fear aggression.
Saul was moved to another foster home and under the care of the veterinary behaviorist he was prescribed medication for anxiety. This foster mom began work on behavior modification skills for Saul to learn new coping techniques when meeting unfamiliar people in hope he would be able to be adopted to a forever family.
Saul was doing well in his training and his anxiety was under control. He was able to feel more comfortable to meet new people and other dogs. In the interim, Saul showed frequent signs of GI upset.
After some trial and error, he was found to do well on prescription food, a probiotic and canned pumpkin – which he loves!
Then Saul was dealt another major challenge, he was diagnosed with diabetes. He was prescribed insulin, which he will need to take for the rest of his life. In time, he adjusted to the injections and daily glucose testing. Saul even used the Free Style Libre to monitor his glucose.
After several months of careful monitoring he was regulated on his insulin.

Just when it seemed like Saul was progressing toward being able to be adopted another hurdle appeared. Saul’s cataracts worsened to the point of obstructing his vision.
A veterinary ophthalmological surgeon determined the cataracts are dense and directly in his line of sight. The ophthalmologist was not able to examine the retina or optic nerve due to the density of the cataracts. This will need to be done by ultrasound. She compared his vision to that of looking through a fogged window. Saul needs to have surgery to remove his cataracts to restore his vision.
The ophthalmologist explained that as a result of Saul’s diabetes he could become blind overnight should the cataracts worsen. This blindness could be prevented by the cataract surgery.
Surgery to remove Saul’s cataracts is approximately $5,400 and Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue desperately needs your help to pay for this critical sight-saving surgery. After all the rescue has invested in Saul’s medical care and training these past two years, this expensive surgery is a significant financial blow. Our income has been drastically reduced in 2020 due to the pandemic – no events, Photos with the Easter Bunny event, product sales, etc. We truly need your help!
Those beautiful blue eyes should see more than darkness.
To Donate via PayPal or credit card, click on the yellow Donate button below & select ‘Saul Cataract Surgery’ from the drop down menu.
To Donate via Check: Mail check made out to DVSHR, to this address: DVSHR, PO Box 773, Horsham, PA 19044.
You will have Saul’s gratitude, and DVSHR’s heartfelt thanks for making an enormous difference in his life. THANK YOU for your tax-deductible gift.
Photo credits: Delaware Valley Siberian Husky Rescue